Saturday, June 30, 2007

Lucky Date 07/07/07

Are you among the people planning important events for this first Saturday in July?
This first Saturday in July is 07/07/07 -- a lucky number.
Last year, everyone freaked out when the calendar read 06/06/06.
I am guessing that there will be a rerun of this.
So, will you be planning your wedding on 07/07/07?
Of course you are! You want that extra dose of marital luck, huh? So that's why you are among the scores of would-be bridal couples to be flocking to the altar on that auspicous day.
A little bird told me so!
Rather, a little article told me so.
For a good read, click here.

I hate to be a party pooper. But I am not a believer in lucky numbers. What's the big deal?
Oh well. To each, her own!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Introducing the Burkini

I would have probably come out with a similar design because it seems to be the most logical swimwear for Muslim women.
Australian designer Aheda Zanetti calls it a burkini - a cross between a burka and a bikini (?).
I'd probably call it La Jumdi -- La (French singular feminine for "the") and acronym for baJuManDi.
You see, I have always fretted when I see Muslim girls and women jump into a swimming pool wearing t-shirts and jogging trousers.
T-shirts and jogging trousers are the most inappropriate swimming attire for anyone.
I remember I was at a swimming pool where all the Muslim girls and women were NOT wearing proper swimwear, but were in their t-shirts and trousers, and the pool looked so murky.
I don't quite blame them. For many Muslim females, wearing swimsuits is a no-no. They feel very indecent and, of course, strictly speaking it is forbidden to be seen so exposed that way.
There is a range of swimwear -- either one piece or two pieces - with sleeves and covers the knees or right down to the lower calves.
Many Muslim girls and women wear them. Almost perfect for them.
But now, there is a better design to meet the Muslim specification.
The burkini to offer Muslim women the chance to really enjoy the sea or the swimming pool.
For Zanetti, the burkini means that Muslim women can now integrate further into Australian society.
Australia, as we all know is about the sea, sand and surf. Muslim women are so encumbered by their "jubah" and "hijab" that going to the beach is a dreadful experience.
Zanetti said that the burkini is also for anyone who wants to show some modesty while on the beach or protect themselves from the rays of the sun.
The Burkini is made from ultraviolet- and water-protected polyester. Unlike the bikini, it covers the whole body except for the feet, hands and face, allowing Muslim women to swim in public.
Zanetti said she has sold more than 9,000 Burkinis at AUSD125 to AUSD160.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

What's In A Name?

A lot, I would imagine.
Here's why I am raising this topic of names. I'd like to ask you -- would you mind if the authorities stop you from naming your baby boy "2Prick" or your baby girl "3Pussy"?
Never mind whether anyone in their right mind would want to give those kind of names to their offsprings. Believe me, there are all sorts in this weird world of ours.
But, say, you think those are really cool names and, hey, that's your kid and you have the right to be giving whatever name that pleases you. Right?
And never mind if that kid of yours will be embarrassed for the rest of his or her meaningful life, and that you may, in the future, regret that stupid decision of yours to give that disgustingly stupid name.
It is your freeedom. Right?
Now, do you think anyone has the right to stop you from exercising that freedom to give your baby (b a b y, as in child, not b a b e, ok?) whatever name you so desire?
I believe in Malaysia, there is a loose guideline on names for children. I believe, for Malays, you can't liberally use Putera or Puteri. I think Putera is a no-no but Puteri is meant for girls who are eligibile, that is, those with royal lineage.
Of course, there are other no's and cannot's.
In New Zealand, a couple was not allowed to register their baby's name as "4Real".
Pat and Sheena Wheaton were told that numerals are not allowed in names.
They decided to name their new baby "4real" shortly after having an ultrasound and being struck by the reality of his impending arrival.
"For most of us, when we try to figure out what our names mean, we have to look it up in a babies book and ... there's no direct link between the meaning and the name.
"With this name, everyone knows what it means," Pat told TV One on Wednesday.
Click here for the full story.
I think I am so conservative in this department. I just don't get it.
Why do people want to give their kids weird names?
Can you imagine if my real name was Witchypoo? Or Pink Candy? Or Sweet Pussy?
I'd disown my parents, I would.
Then again, I might not if - with the exception of Witchypoo - I had ended up in show sleazeness.
Yeah, the Wheatons are so over the moon, that this whole "having a baby thing" is really, really for real.
But, please. Have mercy on the innocent child.
You know it is really not your right, in all its entirety to name that baby of yours whatever you like.
Your baby is relying on you to not get crazy and give him or her a ridiculous name.
Meanwhile, we'll see if the Wheatons will finally get to name their baby "4Real".
But, hey, that's a great name for a hip-hop group. Or a real estate company.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jealousy and (True) Love

Is jealousy a sign of true love?
Man, what a load of crock, this careless statement is.
This was a point of debate in Light.FM yesterday (Wednesday June 20) between Simon and Caroline with their listeners.
You know you cannot answer this question with a simple yes or no.
One or two said "no, if you love him./her you shouldn't even be jealous" or "if you trust him/her you should not be jealous".
Yeah, yeah. All morally-correct statements but so hypocritical and pretentious.
People. We are human, We are no saints. We are given to the two horns coming out of our heads and the green in our eyes, some time (though not all the time because that spells trouble).
Unless, your heart is pure gold and really pure, then you are excused for not being human. So you are not prone to an iota of jealousy or envy.
Any of you ever felt that tinge of jealousy or envy when someone pays unwanted attention on your beau and he/she responds in equal amount?
Don't lie. Unless you no longer care two hoots about your partner, then, yeah, I can understand that you don't give a damn who he/she flirts with.
Now, the truth, please. Don't you feel a tinge of hot flush from the pit of your stomache right up to your brain when your beau or the love of your life gets into a cosy chat with someone else?
But wait. In the first place, if he/she had any regard for you, he/she would not be doing that or get into that cosy situation, right?
You see, a little bit of jealousy is okay. In fact, good in, or for, a relationship. Keeps both of you on your toes. Keep the heart a-fluttering. That's what I think.
I mean, I don't care if Antonio talks to another woman. But, if he talks to this woman all night long and forgets that I exist, yes, I would get jealous.
But then, is jealousy the right word?
I'm not sure now. I would get hurt, yes. A little insulted too because, how dare he ignore me !
So... back to the question -- is jealousy a sign of true love?
Maybe a little. Too much means you are insecure and needy. And that is bad. So, in very small doses should be fine.
Non, mes amis? Que pensez-vous ?

Saturday, June 16, 2007


The thing to remember about fathers is...they're men. A girl has to keep it in mind: They are dragon-seekers, bent on improbable rescues. Scratch any father, you find someone chock-full of qualms and romantic terrors, believing change is a threat, like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bicycle... - Phyllis McGinley.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

10 Ways To Get Lucky At Love

Well, I am not one to rest on my laurel and let love takes its course. Just in case, you know what I just in case, I read stuff. I stumbled on this one. It has tips from psychotherapist/romance coach and author, Kathryn Lord, for those of you who are looking for that elusive mate.

According to the little write-up on her, Kathryn met her now husband Drew online. Out of the dating world for years, she conquered her fears, found her perfect mate and built a solid relationship.
She has written "
Find A Sweetheart Soon! Your Love Trip Planner for Women."
Kathryn has been helping singles and couples for more than 25 years. She is on the web at

Just for fun, here they are:
  1. Know what you want. Your looks change and fade, character does not. While a certain amount of "chemistry" is nice, don't rely solely on lust. What qualities are you looking for in a mate?
  2. Get clear about what you don't want. Knowing what you really can't tolerate in a partner is important. Make a list of your "don't wants" and then cut it down to the 10 most important. Any more than that and you'll be too picky.
  3. Live your life. Once you know clearly what you want (and don't want) in a relationship, shift your focus to living your life. You'll find that you start noticing those who might fit, and passing by those who don't.
  4. See the big picture. Don't try so hard that you miss the obvious. If you are great at focusing, step back now and then and look at the big picture. Work on having a playful, whimsical attitude towards life.
  5. Get out of the house . Cultivate opportunities to expand your social circle and meet
    new people. Vary your routine
  6. Open your eyes and your attitude. Lucky people notice, create and maximize chance opportunities. Chat with other shoppers while you are waiting in line. Be ready with a "calling card" -- a personal business-type card with basic contact information.
  7. Get curious. Don't content yourself with the obvious. Ask questions. Wonder why. Find answers.
  8. Try something new. The best way to have things stay the same is to never do anything different. Vary your daily routine, just to keep yourself awake. Shake yourself up and notice what happens. Keep yourself open to chance opportunities, and then take advantage of them.
  9. Expect good luck. Monitor your self-talk for negative messages that interfere with luck. Replace the negative thoughts with positives. Surround yourself with examples of lucky people.
  10. Learn from bad luck. Take steps to prevent more bad luck from what you have learned, then let the "bad" go. Don't dwell on or rehash the bad experience. Look for the positive elements.
Of course, some of it is pure common sense while some of the common sense, I am sure, we somehow have overlooked or ignored. Perhaps it is just so common sense.
Some of it, I think is not so practical or pretty tacky. Or just so over-stated.

This is just for fun, for when you have nothing better to read. I am sure some of you are already an expert in the art of love and staying in love.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Life WIthout Mummy

What were you doing on August 31 1997, at the time Princess Diana died?
I know it was a weekend and I was at work.
Then, Antonio called to inform me of Diana's accident.
I remember I had also heard the news and was hoping the Princess of Wales would survive the accident.
She didn't. She succumbed to her injuries, and the whole world mourned her death.
I remember watching the entire programme devoted to her funeral.
It was surreal, I couldn't believe that she had died. Princess Diana had died.
I felt I knew her. She was larger than life.
She is still being talked about till today, nearly 10 years after her death.
Let me tell you, I took sides. You can tell me a lot of things about her, but I was vehemently on her side.
Sorry, Charlie, but it was difficult to see what it was that was troubling you.
So, I will not go into detail.
I caught this story about Diana's youngest child, Prince Harry who was reminiscing about his mom in an interview with NBC, a US television station.
He and his brother, Prince William reflected on their mom, her death, life without her and how much they miss her.
Harry, 22, says he will "never stop wondering" about her’s death and that he still feels her presence till today.
Twenty-four-year-old William says of her death: "There is not a day goes by that I don't think about it."
Princess Diana met her tragic death in the Pont de L'Ama tunnel in Paris on August 31 1997 when the limousine she was crashed with paparazzi in hot pursuit.
At that time, she was romantically linked to Egyptian Dodi Al-Fayed who was the son of Mohamed Al-Fayed, owner of Harrods.
Of course, later on, conspiracy theories abound.

To read the story, Click here.

(Photo is of Harry in his mother's arms, taken in 1988.)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Ageing Isn't So Bad

Yeah, and I want to believe it. I haven't got a choice, have I?
But guess what? Antonio's namesake -Antonio Banderas the actor, the hunk - says it is wrong to see ageing as such a bad thing.

He says that ever since he and his wife, Melanie, have been together, she hasn’t had surgery.

But I remember reading somewhere that Melanie had a nip here and a tuck there. Must have read it in a gossipy tabloid.
Like who should I be believing, an unnamed source in a trashy supermarket tabloid or Antonio Banderas, the husband?

Antonio says wrinkles to him "are like medals."
He further says: "And I think getting old is great. I can’t read at night now without my glasses and I love them because I think they give me a certain dignified look.
I read somewhere that the sixties are the new forties. I’m really hoping that’s true."

Oh mercy me... my kind of man. A man after my own heart.

Yep. He said all that. Can you believe it?

(You can read it all here.)

I hardly think about ageing in the aesthetic sense, in that it means growing wrinkly and craggy. I know that I'll get wrinkly and craggy. All of us will, no matter how much cream we apply on our face and neck every night of everyday.
And I am no believer in plastic surgery or botox. Heaven forbids!

So, I will get all wrinkly.

Still, I'd want to grow old gracefully and how I am going to achieve that is through the state of my mind. Whether I am able to do that remains for me to see.

What I do think a lot more about are loneliness in old age and our financial stability in our twilight years. I think about illness, mortality and death.

But, there are times that I do think about ageing in the beauty and physical sense as it is related to how we would be if all that is gone in us.

For instance, will Antonio leave me for someone younger (or whatever) when he finds me no longer attractive. Will I not then be alone, and lonely?

Who will be my my side when I am older? Then I get even sadder. What if he goes before me?

Oh, I hate to be drawn into thinking about these things. So morbid.

Life can be cruel, I know. I see too many unhappy things around me. But, we cannot allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the hopelessness in the world we live in.
I see so much positiveness too. Love and joy. Happiness. Bliss.

Wrinkles are like medals. I like that. I hope I see Antonio's wrinkles as medals, for a start. And if it's true that the 60s are the new 40s, who cares about wrinkles! Just bring on the 60s. I am so ready!

Monday, June 4, 2007


"We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindness, because of luck. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness" -- Ellen Goodman.